Mobile Apps In Numbers – Statistics And Trends

Have you ever wondered just what’s happening out there in the mobile app world? So many different apps are coming out, developed especially for various operating systems. Exactly how many apps are available, how many are being downloaded, and how much revenue are these apps generating? While on that subject, it’s interesting to note just how many apps are downloaded on average per day against the number of apps available against various operating systems. It’s also interesting to observe how paid apps rate in terms of downloads when teamed up against free apps. In the following infographic, “Mobile Apps In Numbers – Statistics And Trends”, we’ll be attempting to answer some of your questions along with our own. Check out our infographic to know the most recent, startling facts about mobile app downloads across operating systems and app categories. We’ve dug up some interesting facts; here’s one – the most downloaded apps ever are games! No surprises there, eh? Mobile Apps In Numbers Infographic by- GO Globe Web Design Hong Kong

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Estimated Number Of Available Apps

 Operating System Number Of Apps ( In Millions)
iOS 1.20
Android 1.31
Windows 0.40

Estimated Number Of Apps By Category

Category Android
Games 14.7%
 Entertainment 7.74%
Lifestyle 7.44%
Education 7.32%
Business 6.24%
Books 5.74%
Travel 4.84%
Music 4.31%
News & Magazines 2.89%
Sports 2.88%
Health and Fitness 2.73%
Social networking 2.39%
Finance 2.29%
Shopping 1.86%
Others 26.60%

Free Vs. Paid Apps A 10th ranking app (in the US Apple App Store’s top overall free charts) generated an average of 72K downloads per day. Compare this to the 4k downloads on average generated by an app in the paid charts.

App Type Free Paid
Android 83.82% 16.18%
iOS 67.2% 32.8%

Apps by Rating Android

Rating %age
None 41.18%
Less than 2.5 1.7%
2.5-3.0 2.16%
3.0-3.5 6.44%
3.5-4.0 14.58%
4.0-4.5 19.25%
4.5+ 14.65%


Rating %age
None 53.61%
1-2 stars 14.68%
2-3 stars 14.19%
3-4 stars 10.93%
4-5 stars 5.67%
5 stars 0.92%

Games were the most downloaded apps on both iPhone and iPad. On iPhone, 33% of all downloads were games.  For iPad, this portion was even higher at 48%. Games were also the largest category in terms of device installs in Google Play, gathering 37% of all device installs in the whole store. Estimated Downloads Share By Category

iPhone Category %age iPad Category %age Android %age
Games 33% Games 48% Games 37%
Entertainment 8.3% Entertainment 8.9% Widgets 16%
Photography 7.6% Education 6.1% Communication 7.4%
Social networking 6.7% Utilities 4.4% Tools 7.2%
Lifestyle 6.5% Lifestyle 4.1% Entertainment 5.8%
Others 38% Others 29% Others 26%

48% of all apps in the Top Overall were games, which generated 92% of the revenue for Google Play. With regard to the Apple App Stores (average of iPhone and iPad) 52% of the apps in the Top Overall were games, which generated 79% of the overall revenue. Android Apps Distribution By Number Of Downloads

Number Of Downloads Total Apps Free Paid
Less than 100 36.77% 68.63% 31.36%
100-1000 25.86% 87.12% 12.88%
1,000-10,000 20.47% 94.81% 5.19%
10,000-100,000 12.43% 98.22% 1.78%
100,000-500,000 3.12% 99.04% 0.96%
500,000-1,000,000 0.59% 99.30% 0.70%
1,000,000+ 0.72% 99.79% 0.21%

Top 10 Countries With Highest Average Revenue Per Download

 Country Estimated ARPD
Japan $5.32
Australia $3.60
South Korea $3.40
Canada $2.38
Germany $2.30
United States $2.29
United Kingdom $2.25
France $1.78
Russia $1.30
China $0.92

Top 10 Countries With The Most Apple App Stores Mobile App Revenue

Country Free Apps With IAP Paid Apps Without IAP Paid Apps With IAP
China 94% 4% 2%
Japan 94% 5% 1%
South Korea 89% 9% 2%
United States 79% 17% 4%
France 78% 17% 5%
Canada 78% 18% 4%
Australia 77% 20% 3%
Russia 76% 20% 4%
United Kingdom 76% 21% 3%
Germany 70% 26% 4%

(IAP – In-app Purchases)

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