Our Infographic "Web Design Trends of Fortune 500 Companies" covers the the trends and facts related to home page design of Fortune 500 Companies.
Infographic by - GO-Globe
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93% of Fortune 500 companies had Logo in Top Left Corner
27% of Logos Include a Tagline or Slogan
63% of companies have content above the fold , User have to scroll in remaining 37% websites to find content
87% of websites has search field
50% of websites features a scrolling content window of some kind
47% of website has clear call to action buttons on their homepage that take users 3 seconds or less to find.
Only 11% of Fortune 500 websites has social media links above the fold and 89% below the fold
60% of Companies feature latest News and Blog Posts on their homepage
Contact Information was hard to find on 63% of Fortune 500 Companies
More than 80% of companies do not have newsletter signup feature on their Homepage
More than 70% of Fortune 500 Companies use Favicon Icons
Average loading time of homepage is 6.5 seconds and size of Homepage is 766 Kb
Average width of website 877 Pixels
Only 3% of websites use Flash to display content throughout the entire homepage.
80% of websites use a primarily light background and color scheme
93% of websites have centered approach navigation
63% of websites use high quality images on their homepage to connect with users