Did you know that 97% of businesses say that explainer videos help users understand their business better whereas 95% of people have watched an explainer video to learn more about a product or service. More and more businesses are now understanding the importance of explainer videos in growing their business. Check out our infographic "The Importance of Explainer Videos" for latest explainer videos statistics and trends.
Infographic by Web Design Bahrain
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95% of people have watched an explainer video to learn more about a product or service
83% of businesses say their homepage explainer video is effective
97% of businesses say that explainer videos help users understand their business better
72% of businesses who use explainer videos believe that it has improved the conversion rate of their website
81% of businesses said that their explainer video has helped them increase in sales.
74% of users who watched an explainer video to learn more about a product or service subsequently bought it
53% of businesses said that explainer video has helped them reduce the number of support calls that they receive.
76% of businesses said that explainer video has helped them increase traffic to their website.
Explainer videos less than 15 seconds long are shared 37% more often