Social Media Ad Spending Asia Pacific – Statistics and Trends [Infographic]

Did you know Asia Pacific region has social media penetration of more than 27% and estimated number of active social media users in Asia pacific is more than 1,088 Million. Check out our infographic "Social Media Ad Spending Asia Pacific" for latest social media ad spending, social media ad spending per user for latest statistics and trends.

Social Media Ad Spending in Asia Pacific

Infographic by GO-Globe Web designing Dubai Company

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Active social media users Asia Pacific – 1,088 Million

Social media Penetration – 27%

Estimated Social Network Ad Spending In Asia-Pacific

Year Estimated Social network ad spending (in Billions) %age of Total social network ad spending
2013 $3.25 28.6%
2014 $5.18 29.2%
2015 $7.40 31.2%
2016 $9.66 32.3%
2017 $11.91 33.1%


Social network ad spending per social media user

Year Estimated Social network ad spending
2013 $4.45
2014 $6.27
2015 $8.04
2016 $9.46
2017 $10.54


More than half (52 percent) of marketers have social engagement optimization on their list while 36 percent say their focus is on integrating social with other key customer touchpoints to create a more connected experience on past performance instead of looking forward.

More than 44% of marketers are currently allocating their digital marketing budget on social media advertising.

62% of marketers consider social media as fast, inexpensive way to deliver messages directly to customers. Whereas 27% consider it an highly effective advertising channel.

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