Mobile Gaming In China- Statistics And Trends

Did you know that the mobile-game market in China is estimated to $7.4 billion in revenue by 2018? China’s technology and creativity are driving the growth of its gaming market, after a few years of near-misses. All this makes us very curious to know more about the Chinese mobile gaming market. Average time spent by Chinese mobile gamers on mobile games every day? Favorite mobile game genres in China? These and other questions are answered in our infographic, “Mobile Gaming In China- Statistics And Trends”. Take a look!

Mobile Gaming China

Infographic by GO Globe web design Hong Kong

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Estimated Chinese Mobile gaming Market Revenue

Year Revenue (in USD Billion)
2012 0.75
2013 $1.5
2014 $2.9
2018 $7.4


The estimated number of mobile gamers in China is 450 Million

Chinese Mobile Gamers’ Demographics

Gender Percentage
Male 57%
Female 43%


45% of mobile gamers play only single-player games.

Estimated Time Spent by Gamers on Mobile Games Per Day

Time Spent Percentage
Less than 10 minutes 19.4%
10-20 minutes 16.3%
20-30 minutes 17.1%
30-60 minutes 17.2%
1-2 hours 14.5%
2-4 hours 9.8%
More than 4 hours 5.7%


40.9% of Chinese mobile gamers only play those games that are free to play.

iOS mobile gamers spend 4.5 times more as compared to Android mobile gamers.

Favorite Mobile Games By Genre

Genre Percentage
Casual Games 33.0%
Racing Games 20.2%
Role-playing Games 17.4%
Others 29.4%


96% of Chinese mobile devices have at least one game app installed on them.

The average mobile gamer installs a new mobile game every 3.48 days.

Number Of Games Installed Per Month Percentage
1 10.3%
2 5.2%
3-5 16.4%
6-10 29.1%
11-20 23.6%
20+ 15.4%


There are 1.6 Chinese gamers for every American gamer

Estimated Average Revenue Per Paying User of Chinese Mobile Gamer is $32.46 as compared to $26.72 in US

Tencent dominated China mobile game market with 7 out of the top 10 mobile games

Rank Game Name Publisher
1 Gunz Dash Tencent
2 Popstar Zplay
3 QQ Fight the Landlord Tencent
4 Speed Up Tencent
5 Aripop Happy Elements
6 Rhythm Master Tencent
7 Craz3 Match Tencent
8 National War Planes Tencent
9 Temple Run 2 IDreamSky
10 Thunder Fight Tencent

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