CEOs on Social Media Statistics [Infographic]

Only 47.4 % of CEOs participate on social media sites. 79% of Inc 500 CEOs and 30% of Fortune 500 CEOs have a presence on at least one social media network. 81% of employees believe that CEOs who engage on social media are better equipped to lead companies in the Web 2.0 World

CEOs On Social Media

Infographic by- go-globe

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The Most Popular Social Media Channels Amongst Among CEOs

Social Media Channel %age
Twitter 50.3%
LinkedIn 47%
Facebook 45%
Corporate Blog 38%
Google plus 12.1%
Quora 4.3%
Other 9.2%

Major Benefits Of CEO Participation In Social Media

Benefits  %age
Better Communication 78%
Improved Brand Image 71%
More Transparency 64%
Improved Company Morale 45%
Better Leadership 45%
None of the above 5%


How important is it for CEOs to engage on Social Media?

Importance %age
Very Important 50%
Somewhat Important 31%
Mission Critical 5%
Not Important 14%



CEOs who participate on social media can build better connections.

With %age
Customers 89.3%
Employees 84.7%
Investor 66.3%
Other 31.4%


82% of consumers are more likely to trust a company whose CEO and leadership team engage on social media.

77% of consumers are more likely to buy from a company whose CEO and leadership team engage on social media

78% of professionals would prefer to work for a company whose leadership in active on social media.

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