5G is arriving, and it is here to stay. But will it change the way we do eCommerce and develop mobile Apps? With its enormous bandwidth and low latency if offers a lot of opportunities. With the new 5G infrastructure, new service like IoT and autonomous vehicles are possible in a totally different manner. The always-on connectivity will stretch far beyond the smartphone.
But jet, as today no real 5G Killer-App has emerged. What will the new quality of networks be most useful for? We get better video faster. And everything will run smoother. But facebook, wechat, Instagram, snapchat, and Douyin will stay more or less the same.
New kinds of apps like special IoT apps and Could apps could create new value. But not only the apps will change, the business models will change too. New concepts like “Thin client plus broad network connection plus cloud app” could change ecosystems and platforms.
For the developers and clients new technologies like more interactive video, augmented reality, virtual reality, and ad hoc user created content are no more optional, but mandatory by an ever more demanding audience.