Web Design and Development Company Vs Freelancer - Which One Should You Opt For?

Web Design and Web Development is an important investment for corporates and no doubt that managers and business owners should strive to get the best out of their investment. However, we all know that the correlation between quality and its investment are often on par with each other, in other words typically the tendency regarding the investment is the cheaper it is the lower the quality. In the infographic below, we have highlighted the comparison between Web Development Company and Freelancers and what you should expect from each type when you’re working with them:

Web development company vs freelancer

Infographic by GO Globe Web Design Hong Kong

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One of the foremost advantage of a Web Development Company is that as a full agency, they tend to have ample resources to handle larger and more complex web projects and each part of your project will be most likely to be assigned to a specific specialist.

On the other hand, freelancers often lack the all-around expertise required to successfully handle all aspects of a project cycle equally well.


As an established company, Web Development Companies are highly reliable regarding the project completion, launch, and implementation.

Freelancers may disappear halfway through the project, as they’re working part-time.

Ongoing Customer Support

Full agencies undoubtedly offer better customer support through their dedicated customer support team and provide security updates as well as technical guidance even after the website is launched.

It is difficult for freelancers to allocate time and resources to offer you ongoing support, simply due to lack of time.

Professionalism & Technology

Web agencies have a dedicated team of designers and programmers who know what it takes to design and develop a professional website. The main tools of trade for web development companies are their ability to quickly adopt with the latest technology and trends in order to ensure that you stay ahead of your competitors.

Freelancers are often working alone on multiple projects and the work are generally done during their free time for part time money. They often lack the skills and resources to adopt new technologies and tools.

Experience & Expertise

Web agencies usually have a vast client base and a better experience while designing and developing websites from all kind of niches. They often have dedicated experts for each specialty.

Freelancers often have a limited client base and their clients often have similar requirements, making it difficult for innovation and working with clients from different sectors. They usually specialize in only 1 or 2 areas.

Quality & Meeting Deadlines

Web agencies follow the industry standard practices to ensure that the business website is effective. Having a dedicated team of experts, they can allocate additional resources whenever required to get the project launched on time.

The quality of freelancers is strictly in line with their individual skills, no set of standards followed. Their ability to get the project moving forward are also fully dependent on their availability, as they’re working on multiple projects simultaneously.

Single Point of Contact

Web agencies often dedicate a single account manager throughout the whole project allowing you to easily manage the project. With freelancers, you may occasionally need to hire multiple freelancers for different aspects of a project and manage them all individually.

Security & Proper Documentations

Making payments to a properly registered web company with genuine presence is far safer and reliable. As a company, they’re able to follow proper documentation that offers you protection from legal risks or copyright infringement lawsuits in the future.

Paying freelancers can be risky as the payment is sent to an email address, making it near impossible to check if genuine or not, and they do not offer protection from potential legal risks regarding copyright infringement.

Quality Standard & Assurance

Companies strictly adhere to International Web Development Standards and industry recognized web development practices. They also provide stringent quality checks and testing before the website is fully launched to avoid surprises that can damage your brand reputation.

Freelancer’s design and development process varies from one to another, leaving you with a messy source code and they lack both resources and skills to test websites professionally.

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