The State of VPN Usage - Statistics and Trends [Infographic]

Did you know nearly 25% of internet users have used VPN at least once in last 30 days and the worldwide virtual private network (VPN) market is estimated to reach 35.73 billion dollars by 2022. To access restricted entertainment content is one of the top reasons for VPN usage (50%) followed by To access social networks or news services (34%) and To keep anonymity while browsing (31%) . Check out our infographic "The State of VPN Usage" for latest statistics and trends. When you connect to the internet through a VPN , all your data traffic is sent through an encrypted virtual tunnel.

The state of VPN Usage - Statistics and Trends

Infographic by GO Globe Website Design Hongkong

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Estimated virtual private network (VPN) market worldwide (in billion U.S. dollars)

Year Market Size (In Billion USD)
2016 15.64
2017 18
2018 20.6
2019 23.6
2020 27.1
2021 31.1
2022 35.73


Top reasons for VPN Usage

Reason %age
To access restricted entertainment content 50%
To access social networks or news services 34%
To keep anonymity while browsing 31%
To access sites/services at work 30%
To access restricted sites 27%
To hide web browsing from government 18%
To access tor browser 17%


VPN users by Age and Gender

By Age


Age %age of VPN users
16-24 35%
25-34 33%
35-44 19%
45-54 9%
55-64 4%


By Gender

Gender %age
Male 62%
Female 38%


Frequency of VPN Usage according to global VPN users

Frequency VPN users ( Desktop) VPN users ( Mobile)
Daily 35% 42%
4-5 times a week 15% 13%
2-3 times a week 14% 11%
Once a week 10% 9%
2-3 times a month 7% 6%
Once a month 6% 4%

Top Countries by VPN Usage among Internet Users

Country VPN penetration (%age of Internet users)
Indonesia 38%
India 38%
Turkey 32%
China 31%
Malaysia 29%
Saudi Arabia 29%
Brazil 26%
Vietnam 25%
UAE 25%
Philippines 25%




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