The State of Live Streaming - Statistics and Trends [Infographic]

Did you know more than 80% of internet and mobile audiences watched more live video in 2016 as compared to 2015 and streaming video accounts for over two-thirds of all internet traffic and is expected to jump to 82% by 2020. Check out our infographic "The State of Live Streaming" for latest live video streaming statistics and trends.

The State of Live Streaming- Statistics and Trends

Infographic by GO-Globe Web Designing Bahrain

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80% of brand audience would rather watch live video from a brand than read a blog, and 82% prefer live video from a brand to social posts.

More than One in 5 Facebook Videos is Live and are watched are watched 3x longer than videos that aren’t live anymore

Breaking news makes up 56% of most-watched live content, with conferences and speakers tied with concerts and festivals in second place at 43%.

67% of viewers are more likely to buy a ticket to a similar concert or event after watching a live video of an event

45% of live video audiences would pay for live, exclusive, or on-demand video from a favorite team, speaker, or performer

67% of viewers say quality is the most important factor when watching a livestream

Top Perceived Benefits Of Live Video-Streaming Events

Benefits %age
More authentic interaction with audience 79%
Bring human touch to digital marketing 63%
Creating content that can be viewed or re-purposed later 61%
Get real time audience feedback 60%


Leading video platforms on which internet users in the United States have watched live streaming video

Platform %age
Facebook Live 17%
Youtube Live 16%
Snapchat 12%
Periscope 9%
Meerkat 7%
Younow 8%
Twitter 9%
Others 5%






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