Social Media Saudi Arabia – Statistics and Trends

Did you know Saudi Arabia ranks seventh globally in terms of individual accounts on social media, with seven accounts for each individual and accounts for over 40% of Twitter users in MENA region. Check out our latest infographic on Social media in Saudi Arabia for latest social media statistics and trends in Saudi Arabia.

Social Media in Saudi Arabia

Infographic by Website Design in Saudi Arabia

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Penetration of leading social networks in Saudi Arabia

Social Network %age of Population
Whatsapp 22%
Facebook 21%
Twitter 19%
Google+ 15%
Facebook Messenger 13%
Skype 13%
Instagram 13%
Pinterest 10%
LinkedIn 10%
Badoo 8%


Top Social Media Platforms by most used Social Media Channel

Social Network %age of Social media Users
Whatsapp 91%
Facebook 80%
Twitter 53%
Instagram 43%
Youtube 40%


Social Network Top Preferred Used on Daily Basis
Facebook 24% 81%
WhatsApp 42% 97%
Twitter 12% 24%
Instagram 8% 81%
Youtube 6% 70%
Google+ 1% 56%

Saudi Arabia ranks 14th in terms of WhatsApp users with 56 percent of mobile phone users

Twitter is the fifth most visited website in Saudi, The average Saudi user tweets 5 times a day.


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