Social Media Addiction – Statistics And Trends

Everyone is using social media these days – right from young kids to corporate bigwigs to senior citizens. In fact, social media sees an estimated number of active users to the tune of 2.03 billion. Globally, social media has penetrated about 28% of the populace. It’s hard to resist social media and the chance it offers of connecting with the world at large while maintaining a level of anonymity. Social Networking Accounts for 28% of all Media Time Spent Online

Check out our infographic, ‘Social Media Addiction – Statistics and Trends” for an in-depth look into the various social media platforms that are available, and how they are being used by the world’s populace. We’ve also put together other subject-relevant facts that you might find interesting.

Social Media Addiction

Infographic by GO Globe - Singapore Web Design Company

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Estimated Number Of Active Social Media Users (In Millions)


Social Media Platform Active Users ( In Millions)
Facebook 1,320
Google+ 343
LinkedIn 300
Twitter 271
Tumblr 230


Users between the ages of 15 to 19 spend at least 3 hours a day on average on social media, while users between the ages of 20 to 29 spend about 2 hours on their social media accounts.

According to Facebook, the company’s 1.23 billion users log into the site for an average of 17 minutes each day. In total, that’s more than 39,757 years of our time collectively spent on Facebook in a single day.

18% of social media users can’t go a few hours without checking Facebook

16% of people rely on Twitter or Facebook for their morning news

7.4 is the average number of social/communication apps that smartphone users have on their phones

5 million images are uploaded daily on Instagram

More than 500 million tweets are sent out per day by users

The Google +1 button is pressed 5 billion times a day by users

LinkedIn signs on 2 new members up every second

The average visitor spends 15 minutes a day on YouTube

Between 60% and 80% of people time on Internet of work has nothing to do with work

Of iPhone users, 28% check their Twitter feed before getting up in the morning.

It's estimated that the average American spends nearly one quarter of their work day browsing social media for non-work related activities.


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