M-Commerce in Asia Pacific - Statistics and Trends

Did you know mobile devices now account for 43.3% of overall website traffic in Asia-Pacific and nearly half (45.6%) of all online consumers have made a purchase using their smartphone. Check out our infographic on M-commerce in Asia Pacific for latest mobile commerce statistics and trends.

Mobile commerce in Asia Pacific

Infographic by GO-Globe Web designing Dubai Company

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%age of overall website traffic in Asia-pacific generated from mobile devices

Year %age of website traffic
2011 9.6%
2012 18.3%
2013 26.1%
2014 38%
2015 43.3%


Estimated %age of consumers who made purchase using smartphone

 Country %age
China 70.1%
India 62.9%
Taiwan 62.6%
Thailand 58.8%
Indonesia 54.9%
Korea 53.8%
Malaysia 45.6%
Vietnam 45.2%
Hong Kong 38.2%
Singapore 36.7%

Nearly half of the respondents across Asia Pacific (49.5%) cited convenience as the most compelling reason for shopping on their smartphone.

Other motivating factors include the ability to shop on the go (43.9%) and the growing availability of apps that make it easy to shop online (39.5%).

More than one-third of Chinese (37.4%) and Korean (36.0%) consumers shop for clothing and accessories on their smartphone. https://buyiglikesfast.com/

27.9% of Asia Pacific consumers are adopting mobile banking apps.

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