Hong Kong Startup Ecosystem - Statistics and Trends

Did you know Hong Kong is the fifth fastest growing Eco-system globally and ranks 25th in the world? Hong Kong now has around 2,000 Startups and the estimated value of Hong Kong startup Ecosystem is $3.2 Billion USD. Check out our infographic on "Hong Kong Startup Ecosystem" for latest statistics and trends.

Hong Kong Startup Ecosystem - Statistics

Infographic by GO-Globe Web Design Bahrain

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Estimated number of startups in Hongkong – 2,000+

Estimated value of Hong Kong Startup Ecosystem - $3.2 Billion USD

Hong Kong is the Fifth Fastest Growing Eco-System Globally and ranks the 25th in the world.

Hong Kong ranks 40th worldwide on the Global Entrepreneurship Index.

Startups Founder by Gender

  Gender %age
Male 94%
Female 6%

Startup Distribution by Primary Target Users

 Target Users %age
SMB 28%
Enterprises 19%
Government 5%
Consumers 42%

52% of Hong Kong Startups have issued options to their employees whereas only 28% of employees have gained prior startup experience.

Average startup age of Hong Kong based founders is 30.4 Years whereas only 14% have already gained experience in hyper growth tech companies.

Hong Kong Startups Distribution by Sector

  Sector %age
Information and Technology 19%
Hardware 14%
Ecommerce 10%
Professional services 9.5%
Design 8.65%
Education and Learning 7.26%
Financial Technology 6%
Healthcare 3%
Data analytics 2.79%
Gaming 2.72%
Sustainable Technology 1.80%
Others 15%
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