The best ideas for creating a company intranet Bahrain

A company intranet is a potent tool that popular workplaces depend on to function daily! The employees use it to read company announcements, work on projects, and search for files. The higher management professionals and the CEOs use a company intranet to get connected with the staff. The managers use it for tracking projects and interacting with team members. A company intranet software gets packed with several tools that assist your organization, from employee directory to consumer support cases.

The objective of a company intranet

The objective of a company intranet is to offer a secured and private online network. Here the employees can create content, collaborate, communicate, manage events and tasks and generate the company culture. It’s your organization's home-base, central repository, team touchpoint, and multi-functional communication tool. To know more about this, you can check out companies that specialize in intranet Bahrain.

The new-age intranet software is flexible and can get used in several ways. A good intranet solution enhances productivity and communication with internal collaboration and communication tools. To ensure that your organization's intranet is catering to your employees, it's essential to execute new intranet ideas to keep your online workplace fun and inspiring. Here are a few ideas that you can incorporate.

  • Make documents and files accessible on the company intranet

Every team, irrespective of the role, location, and industry, will have to access essential documents and files. The intranet document management system can store templates, product documents, stock photos, and legal forms. You can make the files accessible by making use of the document management system. You can find the files quickly by typing the keywords, searching through the content type or date. You can also tag the content and promote engagement by urging the employees to rate what they read.

You can say, "Hey John, what to do about the hundred files that are there in another system before resorting to the company intranet?". It could be an easy fix. The leading online workplaces come with intranet obligations with on-demand document management networks. It helps you to sync content to the intranet easily.

  • Brand the company intranet

One of the best intranet ideas is to brand the platform! You can use a unique name that goes with the company culture. It is exciting for employees as they will use the intranet daily. When you name the company intranet, it gets an identity that attracts more people. The name will impact the way the intranet gets perceived and use in the company. When there is no unique name, the employees refer to it as "the portal," "the network," or "the intranet." Providing a name to the online workplace can create a buzz.

  • Broadcast individual and company accomplishments

Your intranet is the best platform for sharing the company’s success. Is there someone who got a promotion or received an award? Sharing these stories on the intranet is an excellent way to motivate the employees. It also allows people to get connected with their colleagues and share best wishes. In an intranet, the peers and admins can show recognition through shout-outs and offering badges for exemplary accomplishments. You can also use the point system feature, where the employees can gather points for essential contributions. It creates positive employee morale and acknowledges the members for their achievements. It helps to promote growth within the organization.

  • Give some attention to the intranet homepage

The employees see the intranet homepage first! You can use this as a scope to motivate and inspire members by creating an aesthetic intranet design. You can use the drag-and-drop page developing features, customize the homepage to cater to your brand without an HTML experience. You can manage your page's layout so that essential features and content are where you think they should be. For instance, you can take a quick look at the third-party tools, daily announcements, and company calendar. It would be best to think about how you want your intranet to look and transfer the ideas into reality.

  • You can experiment with the company intranet

It would help if you realized that your intranet solution need not always be the same. Nothing ever gets set in a stone. When your business expands, your intranet requirements will grow as well. It would help if you experimented with various intranet designs, workflows and ideas. For example, if you are the CEO and have less time for a monthly blog post, you can try out a ghost-writing feature to check how you can connect with your staff. Do you want more peer-to-peer recognition? If yes, you need to start integrating the intranet recognition programs. You might turn on the comments and likes to check if the employees use them. The moment you find that a new trick works, other things will fall in place. It would help if you kept on experimenting.

  • Create a content generation schedule on the company intranet

The ideal way to keep the content marketing plan in place is by opting in for a consistent schedule. And this also works as a good intranet idea! You can create an internal content calendar for every month. It would be best to plan the articles you want to share and the announcements that can be written in advance. It would be best if you also thought about the campaigns and deadlines that you will promote. People are interested in the company data that are essential for them. Hence, place the content team on schedule to ensure that your company intranet becomes the home base for everything necessary.

  • Provide employees the tools they need

The adequately designed intranet software is inbuilt with tools that organizations require daily to innovate and operate—for instance, helpdesks for customer support, document management, content creation, and communication. Even when you have all these tools with you, your team might need third-party tools.

The new-age company intranet software will get integrated with several systems that you use. For external platforms without integrations, you can use your launchpad and get linked to the external tools. Most employees love this intranet idea as everything is just a click away. By managing the daily devices in your online workplace, you can arrange your employees' daily tasks.

The intranet is an essential part of your organization. You can use the ideas mentioned above to enhance your company intranet.

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