Social Media Usage In Asia Pacific – Statistics And Trends

Did you know that the estimated social networking penetration in the Asia Pacific region sits at 25% currently? It’s an impressive figure, especially when you consider the fact that the Asia Pacific region accounts for 52.2% of global social media users. Check out our infographic, “Social Media Usage In Asia Pacific – Statistics And Trends”, to know more about the social networking penetration in this region. You’ll learn pertinent stats such as social networking penetration by region, country and many more interesting facts.

social media asia pacific

Infographic by GO Globe Shanghai website design Company

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Social Networking Penetration By Region

Region %age
South Asia 7%
East Asia 43%
Southeast Asia 26%
Oceania 44%


Social Media Penetration In Asia Pacific By Country

 Country %age
Taiwan 64%
Hong Kong 61%
Singapore 59%
Australia 57%
New Zealand 57%
Malaysia 53%
China 46%
Maldives 44%
Thailand 36%
Philippines 32%


97.3% of active social media users in the Asia Pacific region have accessed social media on their mobile devices.

Asia is central to Facebook growth, given that this region has more than 426 million monthly active users.

Time Spent On Social Media By Country


Country Time spent (Hours per day)
Philippines 4.0
Thailand 3.7
Malaysia 3.3
Indonesia 2.9
India 2.4
Taiwan 2.4
Vietnam 2.4
Singapore 2.2
Australia 2.1
Hong Kong 2.0


Twitter Penetration In the Asia Pacific Region

32.8% of all twitter users are from the Asia Pacific region.

 Region %Age Of Twitter Users
Asia Pacific 32.8%
North America 23.7%
Western Europe 16.8%
Latin America 12.3%
Middle East and Africa 7.2%
Central and Eastern Europe 7.3%


Facebook Penetration In the Asia Pacific Region

Top 10 countries in the Asia Pacific region based on percentage of Facebook users.

 Country %Age Of Online Population
Indonesia 96%
Vietnam 94%
Malaysia 94%
Philippines 94%
Thailand 93%
India 93%
Hong Kong 93%
Taiwan 91%
Singapore 91%
Australia 78%

Twitter Penetration In the Asia Pacific Region

Top 10 countries in the Asia Pacific region based on percentage of Twitter users.

Country %Age Of Online Population
Indonesia 84%
India 67%
Philippines 63%
Malaysia 59%
Thailand 57%
South Korea 54%
Vietnam 37%
Singapore 36%
Japan 36%
Australia 33%




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