Social Media In China - Statistics and Trends [Infographic]

The estimated number of active social networking users in China is 597 Million. The volume of social sharing in China went up by 60% in 2012 alone. Check out our infographic for more such interesting facts about social media in China

Social Media In China - Statistics and Trends

Infographic by- GO-Globe

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Top 10 Social Networking Sites in China

Social Networking Site Estimated Number Of Registered Users (In Millions)
Qzone(Social networking website where users can write blogs, share photos, music and much more) 712
Tencent Weibo(Chinese Microblogging Website) 507
Sina Weibo(Chinese Microblogging Website – A hybrid of Twitter and Facebook) 500
Wechat(Micro Messaging App) 300
Pengyou(A real-name social network) 259 the Chinese web-gaming community) 200
Kaixin001 (Cloned the most successful and well-known Facebook applications to the Chinese Market) 113
RenRen(Facebook of China) 172
Jiayuan (The largest internet dating website of China 73
Douban (Chinese SNS devoted to music, books, films, and other hobbies) 62


Social Media User Demographics

Gender %age
Male 57%
Female 43%


Social Media users by age

Age group %age
19-25 19%
26-30 30%
31-35 21%
36-40 12%
40+ 18%

91% of the online population in China has an account on a social media site, as compared to 67% in the USA.

88% of Chinese social media users are active on at least one social network.

An average online user in China spends at least 46 minutes on social networking sites every day.

4 out of the top 5 social networking sites by users numbers in Asia are from China.

Only 38% of Chinese netizens reveal their real names on social networking sites.

On average, each of China’s social media users follows at least 8 brands.

43% of Chinese netizens are interested in products shared by friends on social networking sites.

38% of Chinese netizens take shopping decisions based on recommendations on their social networks.

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