Smartphone Users Around the World - Statistics and Facts [Infographic]

The smartphone world is expanding at a rapid pace. There are already more than 1.08 billion smartphone users in the world, out of which, 91.4 million are from the United States. To help you understand the world of smartphone users in a better way, we have compiled some interesting data in our infographic "Smartphone Users Statistics and Facts "

Infographic by- go-globe

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Did you Know

Out of the 5 billion mobile phone users in the world, 1.08 billion are smartphone users

More than 91.4 million smartphones users are from the U.S

Smartphone platform Android has the highed market share of 46.9%

89% of smartphone users use their smart phones throughout the day

92% of smartphone users use their smarphone to send text messages to other phones. Whereas, 84% of users use their smartphones for browsing the internet

The age group of 25-34 has the highest smartphone penetration rate of 62%

50% of Android Smartphones and 43% of Apple iPhone users are younger than 34 Years.

53% of smartphone users are male and 47% are female

Android Smartphone owners consume the highest amount of data at 582 Mbs a month, while iPhone owners on consume 492 Mbs of data a month on average

Apple iPhone users download the maximum applications per month, which is 48

Downloading applications is the most popular data usage acitivity for smartphone users

Singapore has the highest smartphone penetration rate in world, which is 54%

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