Hong Kong Household Spending - Statistics and Trends [Infographic]

Did you know the average monthly per capita expenditure among the young households was $10,565 in 2009/10, distinctly higher than other households ($6,927) by some 50%. Check out our infographic for Hong Kong household spending statistics and trends.

Hong Kong household spending

Infographic by GO Globe Hong Kong Web Design 

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Household composition by type

Household composition Young households Other households
Single person 33% 11%
Head and spouse 24% 15%
Head, spouse and 1 child 12% 17%
Head, spouse and 2 children 5% 17%
Head, spouse, child and others 11% 12%
Others 16% 28%

Average monthly per capita expenditure by commodity/service section by type

Commodity/Service Young households %age Other households %age
Food 23.7% 27.4%
Housing 33.8% 32.7%
Electricity, gas and water 2.1% 3.0%
Alcoholic, drinks and tobacco 0.6% 0.6%
Clothing and Footwear 5.1% 3.9%
Durable goods 4.6% 4.0%
Miscellaneous goods 5.0% 4.2%
Transport 8.9% 8.2%
Miscellaneous services 16.2% 15.9%

According to Visa, The average age of the affluent in Hong Kong is 35, with an annual household income of around HK$990,510.

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