Employment in Hong Kong - Statistics and Trends [Infographic]

Hong Kong is one of the fastest growing economy in world. Check out our infographic for latest employment statistics in Hong Kong including percentage of Employment distribution in Hong Kong, estimated monthly employment earnings by gender, estimated number of employed persons by age group and more.

Employment In Hong Kong - Statistics

Infographic by GO Globe Hong Kong Web Design Company

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Percentage of Employment Distribution in Hong Kong (By sector)

Industry Sector %age
Manufacturing 2.5%
Construction 8.8%
Import-Export, Retail and Wholesale Trade 30.2%
Transportation and storage 11.3%
Business, financial and Professional services 19.9%
Public administration and social services 26.8%
Others 0.5%

Estimated Monthly Employment Earnings by Gender

Monthly employment earnings (HK$) Female Male
< 3,000 3.91% 1.84%
3,000 - 3,999 3.04% 0.85%
4,000 - 4,999 15.34% 0.85%
5,000 - 5,999 2.22% 0.99%
6,000 - 6,999 2.14% 1.27%
7,000 - 7,999 2.97% 1.67%
8,000 - 8,999 4.72% 3.10%
9,000 - 9,999 5.68% 4.33%
10,000 - 14,999 22.01% 24.27%
15,000 - 19,999 11.14% 18.10%
20,000 - 29,999 11.93% 18.01%
More than 30,000 14.90% 24.75%

Estimated number of Employed persons by Age group

Age Group %age of Employees
15-19 1.00%
20-29 18.36%
30-39 25.30%
40-49 24.39%
50-59 23.24%
60+ 7.71%

Estimated Monthly Earnings by Industry ( In HK$)

  Industry Female Male
Manufacturing 10,500 16,500
Construction 13,000 15,600
Import/export trade and wholesale 15,000 20,000
Retail, accommodation and food services 10,000 13,600
Transportation, storage, postal and courier services 15,000 15,000
Finance 24,700 31,300
Professional and business services 12,000 18,000
Public administration 15,000 20,500
Education 20,000 27,000
Other Industries 14,500 20,000

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