E-Commerce in Czech Republic- Statistics and Trends

Did you know the estimated amount spent on online shopping by Czechs in 2015 was 81 Billion CZK as compared to 67 Billion CZK in 2014 and at least 42% of Czech shoppers have shopped online in 2015 as compared to 39% in 2014. Check out our infographic "E-commerce in Czech Republic" for latest e-commerce statistics and trends.

E-commerce in Czech Republic

Infographic by GO-Globe Tvorba Webových Stránek Praha

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Estimated amount spent in online shopping by Czechs in 2015 – 81 Billion CZK ( 3 Billion Euros)


Year E-commerce Sales (in Billion CZK)
2012 51
2013 58
2014 67
2015 81


Estimated number of e-commerce stores in Czech Republic


Year Number of stores
2012 34000
2013 37000
2014 37200
2015 36800


At least 42% of Czech shoppers have shopped online in 2015 and compared to 39% in 2014.


Online purchases accounted for 8.1% of total retail sales in Czech Republic


27% of domestic e-shop has invested in website optimization for mobile devices,


For every 100 online purchases from Desktop, Czech e-commerce stores receive 43 purchases from Smartphone and 76 purchases from tablet devices.


Czech online shoppers by age –


Age group %age of online users
16-24 61%
25-34 67%
35-44 59%
45-54 41%
55-64 26%
More than 65 years 8%

Most popular e-commerce product categories


Product Category %age
Clothing, footwear 22%
Cinema tickets 16%
Cosmetics, health. means 11%
Electronics (including mobile phones) 10%
Sports equipment 9%
Flight Tickets 8%
Books, magazines 7%
Accommodations 7%

Preferred online payment methods

Online payment methods %age
Cash on Delivery 38%
Payment upon pickup 29%
Online credit card payment 13%
Bank transfer 9%
Others 11%

Three out of four Czechs who shop online want goods delivered on the day of purchase


Only six percent of Czech consumers are willing to a pay for a premium shipping service.
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Aggregate spending by Czechs for purchases in the last three months:


Estimated aggregate Spending per quarter %age
Less than 1400 CZK 22%
1401-2800 CZK 30%
2801-14000 CZK 38%
over 14 000 CZK 6%

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